Monday, November 14, 2011


When I read this article this morning, it kind of made my ears itchy and now I too want to do this just in case there are worms in my ears or nose or mouth or what else....urgh. Well, I think I better do some more research just in case this is a hoax.

Anybody got any experience in this matter?

Until the next time, cheers.

The New Straits Times, Monday, 14 November 2011


A five-minute traditional ear therapy to remove worms is now being offered from a home in Batu Pahat

traditional ear therapy

Tan Guan Seng, 44, has inherited a special skill from his late father, Kiang Toh, who passed away two years ago at the age of 70.


It is an ear therapy that uses irritating fumes to make worms to exit from the ears.
First-timers may find it hard to accept the fact that worms do exist in the head, especially those hiding and breeding inside the ears.
When they see the dead worms after a five-minute therapy session on each ear, they know that seeing is believing.
Tan advertises his traditional service by putting a simple sign with a description of the ear therapy and phone number on the rear dashboard of his car.
He operates  from his home in Taman Bandar, Batu Pahat, unlike his late father who moved  door-to- door in those days.
Worms can be found   in the ears of most people. The difference is in the number, he says.
“There are fewer worms among vegetarians than those who consume meat, especially chicken.”
Tan’s record catch was about 100 worms from both ears, while the least was eight .
Tan uses six types of herbs soaked in coconut oil for at least two weeks before being used in his therapy.
A small piece of brick is heated over a gas stove before it is placed on a metal plate.
A tablespoonful of the mixture is placed on top of the hot brick to produce the fumes. A metal cone is used to cover the  heated herbs to capture the  fumes  and direct them  to the apex of the cone which has a small opening.
A small ear plug is placed over the opening. 
Tan then asks his clients to put their ears close to the ear plug to send the smoke into the ear.
Each ear is smoked for  five minutes, by which time the worms would have fallen out. 
Each worm measures about five millimetres long  with the longest ever recorded at seven millimetres, said Tan.
Tan added that those with toothache, stuffy nose and ear irritation can try the treatment.
However, he could not explain where the worms had come from and how they entered and bred inside  the ear.
“I only know that my traditional method  helps in forcing the worms out through the ears,” he said.