Sunday, May 15, 2011

Did they understand the writings on the wall?

I read with much interest today that Singapore's MM Lee Kuan Yew and SM Goh Chock Tong are retiring from the cabinet and stating that they wish to have younger leaders "to connect and to engage with the younger generation in shaping the future of our Singapore". However, in another report, Singapore' policies would  be changing with the retirement of the two ex PMs.

I think that the main issue pertinent here is the fact that whilst both the MM and SM have a host of experience (which I personally respect them), they have at last acknowledged the fact that the generation gap may be too wide and the old ways may not be all suitable to current times and needs.

I had the chance to watch on You Tube one of the opposition's rally and also some of the PAP's. I agree with some comments that their speakers lack the fire and flair to hold the audience somewhat as compared to our Malaysian politicians. However, their thoughts are message are very clear and rational. I wished we had similar people rather than name calling, idiotic statements, irrational words, etc. here.

Back to the issue, it was stated that whilst the country was enjoying strong economic growth, property and stock markets, most profits are going to the large companies and the rich. The lower masses are actually suffering more with inflation and high prices.

It struck me that this is very true, for Singapore and many countries including Malaysia. 

I believe the large part of the inroads made by the oppositions as well as the problems in the middle east is caused largely due to this. Of course, the issue of human rights and proper democracy is also very important.

I hope that their retirement will have a turn around of policies and actions on how wealth is to be spread out to the masses rather than to the rich only. Whilst one can champion the cause of free economy, didn't history taught us that without a proper distribution of wealth, ultimately the free economy is also destroyed by the masses?

Until the next time, cheers.

Is Utusan getting the desired results?

In the past week, the issue about making Christianity the official religion and for a Christian Prime Minister has heated up instead of the opposite effect as asked by the Prime Minister. This however may also be due to the statement made by him after the lunch discussion with Christian leaders. I thought that he was not putting the issue to rest but was just skirting around it for whatever reasons. This may backfire on him as the issue has probably irked a lot of Christians because it was so blatant in Utusan's effort to stir the hornet's nest. I really hope that the country's leaders can see the effects of such stupid action.

The Star's column "On the beat" on Sunday, 14 May 2011 tried to discuss this matter and also in the process took a few swipes at the Penang Government was as usual short of any punch. This was however expected as the newspaper is owned by MCA, a component to the BN Government. At best, they will only openly criticize a few oddball MPs belonging to the BN.

With all the main media either silent or mildly commenting on the issue, there is virtually no "the other side's view" and as usual is left to the web based newspapers as well as opposition parties' newsletters and the internet world to provide further clarification and comments. Obviously with the emotions running high for some, some are rather strong.

I am a Catholic and I know for a fact that the Catholic church has never prayed for such a thing and it is absurd for a national newspaper to print on its headlines such an absurd news without actually verifying it. More so, it quoted an anonymous blog. if this is not blatantly done, then what is?

Any party in this day and age who tries to spread such blatant lies and "hoodwink" its people should really think carefully. If the people starts to distrust any news, then it will have a hard time believing even if they were to tell the truth. The opportunity has already been lost. I think they are really being stupid to try to gain some very small current gain (from those who are gullible) at the cost of a very large loss in the future.

It's very sad and very dangerous. I was and still am very upset with the turn of events.

Until the next time, cheers.