A MEDICAL device that could saves the lives of millions of Third World children is the Australian entry in an international competition to find software solutions to global problems.

The digital stethoscope is attached to a smartphone, which listens to and digitises a pneumonia patient's breathing sounds and patterns. Those patterns are then compared against a medical database using cloud technology to deliver an automated diagnosis and treatment plan via an app on the smartphone.

It's cheap, doesn't rely on the need for delicate medical equipment in remote locations, and appears to be a promising candidate to win the Imagine Cup, a showcase for young academic talent for which 75 countries are competing at the Sydney Convention Centre.

A man places a stethoscope on his chest that connect to smartphones, that through an app can check the breathing rates of children in the third word who suffer from pneumonia Lifesaver … the digital stethoscope. Photo: Mick Tsikas

Hon Wen Chong, 26, heading the Australian entry from the University of Melbourne, said the technology was being reviewed by the Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne to attain research status before field trials.

Mr Chong, who has almost completed his studies to become a doctor, said: ''We need to do a research trial to validate the system and check that it survives in rain and hail. We need to ensure that it is safe. The last thing we want to do is create an app or intervention that kills more people than it is supposed to save.''

Other ideas in the competition include:

Germany A navigation system to reduce the emission of cars. The system can calculate the best route for each car and communicate that to each driver. It reportedly helps drivers save time, avoid traffic jams and reduce carbon monoxide emissions.

Kazakhstan A cloud-based system called Archangel designed for people who are in emergency situations. It consists of mobile and desktop applications and a drone, which can be used to deliver first-aid kits, medicines or other necessities.

Jordan A ''dancing pillow'' that wakes hearing-impaired individuals and those with sleep disorders using light, vibration, sound and smell.