Friday, September 16, 2011

Heritage fest at Petaling Street

I am very happy to read this article. I hope the arts scene in Kuala Lumpur will become much more vibrant and offer a lot more variety to the public. The younger generation seem much more involved in such programme and hope they will learn a lot of the arts before it dies off.

Until the next time, cheers.

Friday September 16, 2011

Heritage fest at Petaling Street

Planned along the theme of “Safeguarding Petaling Street”, the event will include activities such as heritage walk, photo exhibition and cultural performances.

It is jointly-organised by the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall and the Lost Generation Space as part of the Petaling Street Community Art Project.

One of the organisers, Chong Keat Aun said 18 non-political organisations would be volunteering their time and skills to whip up the colourful activities, among them painters, singers, photographers and theatre artistes.

“We are in a way capturing the essence of Jalan Sultan and Jalan Petaling, or documenting its unique heritage, through art. Even though the artists involved do not live here, they care a lot about protecting the identity of this place just like the locals.”

Following the heritage walk at 8am (registration is closed), photos of the old Petaling Street will be displayed from 2pm onwards at various shops.

Petaling Street maps and models crafted by primary school students will be exhibited at the Gospel Hall Church at 4pm.

The cultural performances at night — soprano, percussion, folk songs, gu qin, opera, dances and crosstalk — will be staged at symbolic locations of Petaling Street.

For instance, choir and Cantonese opera troupes will perform at the Selangor Yan Keng Benevolent Dramatic Association while Chong, soprano Angela Chock and tenor Lim Cheng Hock will sing from the windows of the building opposite Yan Keng.

The public can gather at Gospel Hall Church at 6pm before the organisers lead them to the various points for the performances.

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